There is much more to Chelsea Schuchman than her sexy tummy freckles, dirty blonde locks and angelic face. A woman of many talents, the actress / model / muse is currently working day and night on an independent movie with a rising star filmmaker from the Netherlands, Felix Van Kleeff. Well-versed in contemporary arts and cinema, we wouldn't be surprised to see her become a trusted art advisor or even surprise us with a directorial debut in the future. Read the quickie interview below as the star of our Starry Nights lookbook makes you yearn for an endless summer...

Describe your ideal 4th of July Day...
I wake up alone and kiss my liberty rifle that's next to my bed. In the shower, I recite the declaration of independence while making a shampoo hat that looks similar to the style of our founding fathers on Mt. Washington rinse and deep condition... Then, I put on my favorite 4th of July bikini (solid and striped is the brand) it's red white and blue obvi - and I lay respectfully on the American flag while I bask in the California sun. I'm listening to Jimi Hendrix harmonious rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner" while sipping on a PBR loving on my county, the land of the free.

Favorite summer drink:
Tom Collins blended with ice. Or a lemonade with vodka, soda and ice.
Describe your personal style:
My personal style is very relaxed and classic. I don't like paying too much attention to trends. But, I love recreating moments that have inspired me. For example, recreating a vibe of the Dude's Character in the Big Lebowski, or make-up inspiration Celine Dion's look on the Lets Talk About Love album cover.
What's your favorite piece of jewelry from Starry Nights and how you would style it?
It would have to be the Mahina belly chain. At first when I saw it, it reminded me of an Aaliyah moment when worn low with Calvin Klein underwear with baggy Adidas track pants or boyfriend jeans... But I would wear it high on the waist, above the belly button right bellow the rib, maybe stacking a couple or just one with high waisted jeans and a cropped t-shirt / button up blouse. They accentuate the waist and make it look tiny!
Follow Chelsea on Instagram @chelseaschuchman and shop our Starry Nights collection here!