Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Hollywood Forever" Holiday 2015 Video

Directed by Asher Moss
Shot & Edited by Austin Winchell
Model: Maddie Cook

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

~Hollywood Forever~ Vanessa Mooney Holiday 2015

Here is the story of "Hollywood Forever"....

The soft light of the sun's shadows cast through the halls of an old Hollywood Apartment. Rising from your nights dreams, you sit reminiscing on the simplicity of the old days, the golden days, the days when there was something to be told. It's a holiday season where family and dreams take center stage. You bow your head to old Hollywood. An ode to what created you, through the continuation of creation you allow your dreams to unfold & perpetuate the lineage of imagination. It is with this that we introduce Vanessa Mooney's newest Collection.

Inspired by her roots, the history of her family. The Warner Brothers. Growing up in Hollywood, her families optimistic voices, hard work, never ending dreams and inspiration.

This is a thank you to them.

Shot in a classic Hollywood apartment near the neighborhood where she grew up.This Holiday Collection demonstrates how today's thoughts and tonight's visions become tomorrow's reality. A stunning acquisition that is dedicated to the dreamers, the doers & the determined. Trusting in the inherited sensibility from her family, those who gambled everything on a dream. It demonstrates the pure and natural beauty of a woman, her past & present challenging us to create something beautiful from nothing.

Mooney's creations are an alluring combination of both delicate and bold, tassels & silver, draping pieces that feel like they are from another time.

Take part in the dream & continue the vision with Vanessa Mooney's latest collection "Hollywood Forever" because you never know where your dreams will take you!

Photographer: Asher Moss
Produced by: Vivianne Lapointe
Model: Maddi Bragg
MU: Dana Dalaney 
Hair: Nelli Christine
Styling: Melodi Meadows 

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Hollywood Forever" Holiday 2015

We can not wait to show you all Vanessa Mooney’s latest collection “Hollywood Forever” for Holiday 2015 just a few days away...Hollywood Forever is a demonstration of a story told purely from the heart. During this holiday season, dreams and family take center stage. Vanessa was inspired by the optimistic voices of her ancestry and a shared understanding of the beauty and mystic of Old Hollywood. Before shooting the Holiday lookbook, Vanessa wanted to take her team, which included her photographer, producer, director of PR, along with herself on a tour of Warner Brother’s Studios so they could see first hand all that her creative ancestry had built. As Vanessa’s mother took her along with the others through the studio, you could not help but to be truly inspired. As they strolled through the studio grounds the lineage of imagination came into the minds of us all. It was so cool to walk through the courtyards of where Vanessa’s great grandfathers used to work. Having the chance to walk through the studios where film making history was born was like a dream itself…From the stunningly enormous glass chandleries in the props department to the giant costume warehouses, which housed the most beautiful of vintage garments, hats and shoes, it was an experience that really allowed the determination and encouragement to dream to connect with Vanessa’s latest vision. It was so inspiring to see all of what her family has created and see how big it has become. Having the opportunity to tour the studios and share her family's history and beautiful old photos gave so much meaning to this upcoming shoot.

xoxoxo VM Team 

Photos of Vanessa and her mom on the Warner Brother Lot by Vivianne Lapointe IG: @ladyshark